7. März 2015: 1.DYC-Yorkie-Ausstellung in Leipzig-Baalsdorf
07 march 2015: 1.DYC Special Championship Show at Leipzig-Baalsdorf


1.DYC Yorkie-Ausstellung in Leipzig-Baalsdorf
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From left:
Wild Mimosa’s Late Night Espresso (BOS), b/o: Kerstin Blattner
Mr. Michael Grizzle (judge)
Abby Amamos La Vida (Best Junior), b/o: Nicole Schmid
Mrs. Esther Schurig
Wild Mimosa’s Kiki Dee (BOB), b/o: Kerstin Blattner

o = owner, b/o = breeder & owner / Photo: Kerstin Blattner


Results and photos can also be found under www.yorkshire.terrier-breeders.com