A service from the Yorkshire-Terrier-Journal

Issue No. 37 - What's inside


Mini, Midi, Maxi...

For years now, these expressions pursue us, especially in advertisings. There, people make utterances about so called »Mini« Yorkies. Such utterances shock those peolpe who are real specialists and know a lot about this race...

Mini, Midi, Maxi
If my old Yorkie gets ill.

Our Yorkies rank as one of the races with an extremely high life expectancy. The oldest Yorkie in Germany shall be 24 years old now. Most of the Yorkies die because of natural reasons that inevitably occur when dogs get older: failure of internal organs or tumor diseases between the age of 12 and 15 for example. If you want to have your darling around you as long as possible, you have to pay attention to many things...

Wenn mein alter Yorkie krank wird
Yorkshire Terriers with primeval instinct.

Surely you have already heard of Yorkies that have been breeded excessively. Usually, these dogs do not come from serious breeders - although they should be small and tiny - but out of mass breedings. Little, tiny Yorkies that have been breeded with regard to their health are not made soft to stay in the house. No, they are »entire« dogs...

Yorkshire-Terrier mit Ur-Instinkt

Also in the Yorkshire-Terrier-Journal No. 37

Happy dogs or poor animals?
The telephone call got in at 9pm, and a woman asked: »Do you take Yorkies? I don’t know where to put that thing.« That telephone call is yet not the worst, if you compare it to other cases, it is even »harmless«...


If your Yorkie slides on his backside...
We call this phenomenon »sledge riding«. Usually, the dog does not suffer from maggots, what people often presume. Most of the times, there is a totally harmless reason for this behaviour and it is not so difficult to do something against it...


Denzel and his second life.
Actually, the doctors have already given him up. But there was a veterany surgeon assistantl who looked for possibilities and a specialist took over the medical treatment...

Ausserdem noch im YTJ 37

In every issue of our Yorkshire Terrier Journal you can also find:
Our special series »Our Yorkshire Terrier« (this time with the topic »care« ), the Yorkshire Terrier photo gallery, relevant information and important dates, an exhibition calendar, the breeder register, the stud dog register and, and, and...
