VDH / FCI First German
Yorkshire Terrier Club (1.DYC) Show Results VDH / FCI
September 2001: Internationale Zuchtschau / CACIB Leipzig 15 September 2001:
International Championship Show at Leipzig |
Bei dieser Internationalen Zuchtschau richtete Herr Manfred
Nicklis. Sonderleiterin war Frau Evelyn Bölsdorff. Gemeldet: 18,
anwesend: 16. Judge: Mr. Manfred
Nicklis. Organization in the Yorkie ring: Mrs. Evelyn
Bölsdorff. Entries: 18, present: 16. |
Kein Foto von dieser Ausstellung No photo from this
show |
Rüden Jugendklasse Dog junior
class |
V 1 J-CAC |
Of Morning Sun's X'Too Much Tequila, B: Kerstin Körmer
Sg 2 J-CAC-R |
My Longtime Companion Nigel, Z+B: Michael Thiemann |
Rüden Offene Klasse Dog open
class |
V 1 CAC/IB |
Aphrodite's Mozart, Z+B: Claudia Radü
V 2 CAC-R |
Nasam du Bois de Fragne, B: Michael Guidt |
Hündinnen Jugendklasse Bitch junior
class |
V 1 J-CAC |
Blue Ocean's Birdy, B: Cornelia Sellenthin
V 2 J-CAC-R |
Pharao's Nanny Fine, B: Sascha Schäfer & Sascha
Kober |
Sg 3 |
Blue Jamboree's Paloma Picasso, B: Sybille Brauer |
Sg 4 |
Sweet Honesty Elisha, B: Heike Nowak |
Hündinnen Siegerklasse Bitch champion
class |
V 1 CAC |
Jessy Lee from the white Angel, B: Krystyna Szczecin |
Hündinnen Offene Klasse Bitch open
class |
V 1 CAC/IB |
Millenium Princess of Padawi's, B: M. Forte & S. Dawin
V 2 CAC/IB-R |
Blue System Ginger Ale, B: Justine Thrän |
V 3 |
My Longtime Companion Hatty, Z+B: Michael Thiemann |
V 4 |
Jo Ann von Bai-Lu, Z+B: Ilona Schubert |